bearded man sitting on the ground
News Other Videos We Like

Solving Homelessness

In this brilliant editorial video, John Oliver gets to the root of the problem with the issue of homelessness, which is that people dehumanize the homeless to the point where services to prevent or cure homelessness get ignored or worse yet, voted down, making it impossible for services to lift people out of homelessness to exist. He […]

Entertainment Hartiverse Videos

The Hartiverse Playlists of YouTube

Did you know Hartiverse has playlists on YouTube? You can easily watch all of Hartiverse’s videos on a particular topic with our playlists. All the playlists are sorted so that the latest published video appears first, except for Horror Movie Soundtracks, which are hand-sorted to place them in order according to the series of movies […]


Geothermal Features of Yellowstone National Park

In this slideshow, I have included dozens of photos of geysers, pools, lakes, springs, and fumaroles from Black Sand Basin, Midway Geyser Basin, Firehole Lake and other geyser basins at Yellowstone National Park. Each feature is generally preceded by a sign showing its name when available (not all have one), so you can self-navigate the […]