Health News Tech

Go ahead and cry at the in-flight movie, it’s ok

“An emerging body of research is suggesting that soaring 35,000 feet (10 kilometers) above the ground inside a sealed metal tube can do strange things to our minds, altering our mood, changing how our senses work and even making us itch more,” according to Richard Gray for BBC Future. Frequent fliers may have found themselves […]

Business Sports Tech

Avoid striking out your bet on the ball game with this hot tip

“The ‘gambler’s fallacy,’” also called the Monte Carlo Fallacy, “can affect everyone from athletes to loan officers, creating deceptive biases that lead you to anticipate patterns that don’t really exist,” according to David Robson for BBC Worklife. Robson posited a scenario to find out if you fall for the gambler’s fallacy: “Imagine you are tossing […]

Health News

Living in crisis on the streets of Portland

“It’s been nearly four decades since modern homelessness worked its way into our collective awareness. Unlike the Civil War or the Great Depression that caused massive waves of ‘itinerant poor,’ the rise in homelessness in the 1980s was borne of social politics and global economics. And in just 40 years, it has reached crisis proportions,” […]


Genealogy points to lasting damage to families by historical events

“The notion that we inherit the legacy of our ancestors, not just their wealth and facial features, but their good luck and hard knocks, is hardly new,” according to Pam Weintraub for Aeon. “The idea that we carry a family curse and shoulder the burdens of the past has been part of our human mythology […]

Business Science

Microsoft offers social startups a leg up

Innovators impacting our world for the better have a new financial backer available. Whether addressing skills development, sustainability or accessibility, Microsoft is offering to support social ventures with technology, connections and community to help them thrive. The Microsoft Global Social Entrepreneurship Program supports social impact startups with technology, connections and grants so organizations can focus […]