
Bringing a Grateful Dead vibe to flowers with skull faces for Halloween

“In today’s badass Halloween decoration news, these DIY sunflower skulls are bone-chillingly beautiful, and I need a whole garden full of them ASAP,” Chanel Vargas wrote in POPSUGAR.

Handcrafted by Oregon artist and brewery owner Beejay Oslon, the spooky flowers are simply made of “cheap plastic skulls,” hot glue, paint, fake moss material, and artificial sunflowers.

“I was inspired to start making my own Halloween decorations last year after finding a Facebook group called ‘Halloween DIY Projects,'” Beejay told POPSUGAR via email. “The skull flowers themselves came to me when I was shopping all the after-Halloween sales . . . That night I started slicing up plastic skulls and knew they were going to be great.”

Learn how to make these yourself by following the source link to the complete article.


Content creator and Chewbacca cosplayer.