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Steve Moore of Camp N Car donates interior minivan build to Homes On Wheels Alliance

In this video, Bob Wells and Suanne Carlson of the nonprofit organization Homes On Wheels Alliance (HOWA) talk with Steve Moore of Camp N Car about his Port Townsend, Washington-based firm that is donating a build-out for a minivan to be given away in April 2021 in Pahrump, Nevada.

Moore is an experienced nomad himself, having traveled north to Alaska in an SUV he built out for the mobile life. Now, he runs a firm that specializes in making both custom and off-the-shelf interiors for SUVs and vans.

One lucky winner of a HOWA minivan will receive with it one of Camp N Car’s interiors, an upgrade from the no-build builds that HOWA has resorted to doing since the pandemic put the brakes on wooden build-outs that they used to make for their minivan recipients.

This nearly 1-hour-long presentation introduces Moore and his personal story along with a question-and-answer period about Camp N Car moderated by Wells and Carlson.

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