bearded man sitting on the ground
News Other Videos We Like

Solving Homelessness

In this brilliant editorial video, John Oliver gets to the root of the problem with the issue of homelessness, which is that people dehumanize the homeless to the point where services to prevent or cure homelessness get ignored or worse yet, voted down, making it impossible for services to lift people out of homelessness to exist. He […]

gray and white robot
News Science Tech

NASA soon to launch first helicopter on Mars

I’ve been busy since landing on Mars. Hear from members of my team about what I’ve been checking off my to-do list lately and what they’re planning for me and the #MarsHelicoper, Ingenuity, in the upcoming days. Leave your Qs for them in the comments. — NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover (@NASAPersevere) March 19, 2021 […]

time lapse photography of blue lights
Business News Science Tech

How artificial intelligence hurts people

In a new article by Dave Davies and heard on NPR’s Fresh Air program, artificial intelligence (A.I.) has come to a point where it is displacing workers rather than making lives better, and in many cases, actually turning against people, causing real harm to Americans. Listen to the complete program here: “I don’t think people […]

boy wearing white shirt with iridescent hair color infront of flag
Business News Tech

Opinion: states only hurt themselves by banning, intimidating or otherwise dehumanizing the LGBTQ community

“American tech companies are engaged in a worldwide competition for top talent that can pick and choose where they want to live or where they want to launch the next great startup. With the expansion of remote work and tech talent spread across the country, there are larger amounts of venture capital investment and opportunity […]

white vans
News Other Videos We Like Travel Videos

An interview with Charlene Swankie, co-star of the hit film ‘Nomadland’

Preston Barta of Fresh Fiction TV conducts a split screen interview with Charlene Swankie, one of the stars of the film Nomadland, and discusses the impact she had on the character of Fern played by Frances McDormand, who is based partly on her life. She recounts the story of the swallows scene in the movie […]

seashore houses
News Travel

Camping at your own risk: Malibu Creek State Park

In an investigative article for the New Yorker, journalist Dana Goodyear tackles the serial shootings in Malibu Canyon, the Lost Hills unit of the sheriff’s department and Malibu Creek State Park. No signs warn tourists of the potential dangers, including several area murders, including one in particular at the campground that is now the subject […]

photo of mountain under cloudy sky
News Travel

Camping on BLM land can be a rewarding choice for nomads

“Camping in Mother Nature’s serenity is a goal for many campers. The eerie yips of the coyotes off in the distance, the mountain vistas or vast desert lands, the smell of pine, campfires, and fresh air – it’s all an incredibly relaxing experience. More often than not, these spots are on BLM land if camping in […]

white and yellow van under starry night
Business News Tech

SpaceX FCC filing would provide mobile internet to digital nomads

“No longer are users willing to forego connectivity while on the move, whether driving a truck across the country, moving a freighter from Europe to a U.S. port, or while on a domestic or international flight,” according to SpaceX’s FCC filing on March 5, 2021. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted on Monday, March 8, 2021, […]

two women smiling at each other
News World

Celebrate International Women’s Day

“When we think of female leaders, some famous names come to mind: Marie Curie, Maya Angelou, and Mother Teresa, to name a few,” reports Spencer’s in an article in support of this important recognition. “We’ve heard stories about their remarkable contributions to science, art, and religion, but were they always great? In short, the answer is no. […]