Business News Science

The consequences of listening to various kinds of music while working

It may be that there are hidden truths in the idea embodied in the Disney song, “Whistle While You Work.” A new study examined by Martin LaMonica for The Conversation showed that what music people listen to while performing various tasks can have a significant impact on productivity. The study found that “participants who listened […]

Business News World

Using TED Talks effectively to communicate with your target audience

“It’s easy to watch a masterful TEDx talk and think that the value is in the performance,” said Stephanie Scotti in an article for SmartBrief. “After all, TED talks are known for being inspiring and entertaining, and TED speakers are absolutely at the top of their games. But to focus on the performance is to […]

Business News World

The hidden life of recycled used clothing

“We don’t value our clothing anymore,” Kestrel Jenkins, founder and producer of the Conscious Chatter podcast told Taylor Bryant for an article in Nylon. “Fast fashion has helped us build up a more intense addiction to buying clothing and, at the same time, it’s helped us really elevate the throwaway culture.” The article notes that […]

Health News Science

New findings show ADHD advantageous to creative thinking and acting

According to a new article by Holly White for Scientific American, “Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may bring with it an advantage: the ability to think more creatively. “Three aspects of creative cognition are divergent thinking, conceptual expansion and overcoming knowledge constraints. Divergent thinking, or the ability to think of many ideas from a single starting point, […]


Bringing a Grateful Dead vibe to flowers with skull faces for Halloween

“In today’s badass Halloween decoration news, these DIY sunflower skulls are bone-chillingly beautiful, and I need a whole garden full of them ASAP,” Chanel Vargas wrote in POPSUGAR. Handcrafted by Oregon artist and brewery owner Beejay Oslon, the spooky flowers are simply made of “cheap plastic skulls,” hot glue, paint, fake moss material, and artificial […]

Business Health News World

Food stockpiling is latest trend against the economic effect of the coronavirus

An economic analyst who predicted the 2008 financial collapse has spent tens of thousands of dollars stockpiling food as “an insurance policy against chaos” should the coronavirus outbreak cause a global economic collapse, according to Paul Joseph Watson for Summit News. “My immediate concern is not so much getting coronavirus, it’s more so economic collapse […]

Business Health News World

Psychedelics make it to the Canadian stock exchange

According to a new article in Bloomberg, “the first companies developing medical treatments from psychedelic drugs like LSD, ketamine and the active ingredient in magic mushrooms are gearing up to list on Canadian stock exchanges.” “Mind Medicine Inc., which is undertaking clinical trials of psychedelic-based drugs,” said Kristine Owram for Bloomberg, “intends to list on […]

Health News Science

Studies show persons born blind never develop schizophrenia

An article on Vice said that “in 2018, a study led by a researcher named Vera Morgan at the University of Western Australia looked at nearly half a million children born between 1980 and 2001,” and none of the kids studied who were blind from birth ever developed schizophrenia. “Pollak, a psychiatrist and researcher at […]