Business News Tech World

Privacy advocates rail against controversial facial recognition practices

In an explosive article on BuzzFeed News, the organization obtained client lists of a New York-based startup Clearview AI, showing a staggering number of law enforcement officers as well as retail stores have implemented facial recognition technology tied to a vast database including local police departments, the FBI and Walmart. “Government agents should not be […]

Business News Science Tech

Robot overlords at work

“The robots are watching over hotel housekeepers, telling them which room to clean and tracking how quickly they do it,” according to an article by Josh Dzieza for The Verge. “They’re managing software developers, monitoring their clicks and scrolls and docking their pay if they work too slowly. They’re listening to call center workers, telling […]

Business Tech World

What women want is focus of Pinterest study

“As the global income of women reaches trillions of dollars, women are expected to control almost 75% of discretionary spending worldwide by 2028,” according to a new report by Pinterest. “These women are using Pinterest to find ideas for dinner, travel, home and family clothing choices. But, the how-tos and inspiration go beyond recipes, holidays and […]

News Tech

Rethinking A.I. with an eye towards ethical behavior

Artificial intelligence is about to grow a conscience, thanks to innumerable experts the U.S. Department of Defense hired to study ethics in A.I. Fifteen months of consultations with academics, scientists and others led to the announcement. “Deliberate steps to minimize unintended bias in A.I. capabilities” are top priorities in the DoD’s work. “The Defense Department’s […]

Health News Tech

Go ahead and cry at the in-flight movie, it’s ok

“An emerging body of research is suggesting that soaring 35,000 feet (10 kilometers) above the ground inside a sealed metal tube can do strange things to our minds, altering our mood, changing how our senses work and even making us itch more,” according to Richard Gray for BBC Future. Frequent fliers may have found themselves […]

Business Sports Tech

Avoid striking out your bet on the ball game with this hot tip

“The ‘gambler’s fallacy,’” also called the Monte Carlo Fallacy, “can affect everyone from athletes to loan officers, creating deceptive biases that lead you to anticipate patterns that don’t really exist,” according to David Robson for BBC Worklife. Robson posited a scenario to find out if you fall for the gambler’s fallacy: “Imagine you are tossing […]


A Preemptive Eulogy for the Cassette Adapter

As we move into an era of increasingly convoluted and exclusionary music-playing options, a moment of recognition is in order for the last great car stereo legacy The Outline | Nate RogersSource: