In an explosive article on BuzzFeed News, the organization obtained client lists of a New York-based startup Clearview AI, showing...
"In 2015, a rumor began circulating that a ghost ship found by the Cuban coast guard was actually the SS...
Chani Nicholas is an Instagram astrologer with over 100,000 followers. What sets her apart from other practitioners of the intuitive...
"As the global income of women reaches trillions of dollars, women are expected to control almost 75% of discretionary spending worldwide...
"As a source of subsistence, let alone prosperity, work is now insufficient for whole social classes. In the U.K., almost...
While conducting a major renovation of the U.K. House of Commons in London, workers exploring the premises found a wall...
"The notion that we inherit the legacy of our ancestors, not just their wealth and facial features, but their good...