In May’s video, she covers one of the worst movies ever made, and yet compelling on many levels, which she dissertates with great aplomb, all while trying not to eat a plate of bacon.
The movie is called “The Greasy Strangler” and revolves around a serial killer and his son who live together in co-dependence, while both woo and ultimately have sex with the same woman whom they eventually murder.
The film is loaded with shout outs to film techniques, allowing them to be shown on camera in a way no other movie does.
May even finds a way to draw a comparison to another cult classic, “Grey Gardens,” another film about co-dependency, but between a mother and daughter instead. Their lives slowly self-destruct in the same way as the father-son team.
“It’s a surprisingly complicated movie. It doesn’t need to be, but it is,” May says in her review. “Their greasy strangler selves watch their real selves get killed by a firing squad. The very next shot is them walking up towards the camera at the top of this big mountain. They’ve completely devolved into like animals at this point and they just stare at the camera, point a stick at us and threaten us. And that’s the movie!”
Please help support Hartiverse for free by clicking through our Amazon affiliate links where you can find both these movies for sale, not to mention millions of other items:
The Greasy Strangler
Greasy Strangler (Special Director’s Edition) [Blu-ray]
Grey Gardens